Frequently Asked Questions

motion & cine film | audio | video | optical |  photographic film | books | documents  | Scan on Demand | FAQs

Our logistics team can collect documents anywhere in the UK, or provide a courier service depending on your requirements to ensure a cost effective service.   Depending on location, you are able to book specific days for collections to support your projects.

Collections are secure and safe.  Our logistic drivers ensure a strict GPS tracking, protocol and security practices.

Yes, our offices have 3 secure rooms for holding archives and documents.  Each room has its own security camera and lockable doors.   

Yes, our logistics team can support you with the removal of documents and archives from your offices or existing storage rooms.

Yes. You are most welcome to bring your documents to our archive offices. No appointment is necessary apart from a call so we can organise staff to support the drop off.

Our offfices operate a strict 24hr CCTV security in all areas of archive, storage and scanning along with adhering to  ISO:27001 information security processes.   Once projects are digitised, we can either return the documents to you, store them or shred.

ICO Information Commissioner's Office: Information rights, promoting openness by public bodies and data privacy for individuals are all focuses of this UK independent authority. The Data Protection Act 2018 (GDPR) requires every data controller (eg organisation) processing personal information to register with the ICO.

Records Management: We are a member of the Information and Records Management Society, the foremost professional association for those who work in or are concerned with records or information management.

Cyber Security: Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme to create a standard for cyber security that all businesses should be tried against in order to ensure that reasonable security measures have been put in place to properly secure the company against cyber threats.

NHS Digital Toolkit:  The Data Security and Protection Toolkit allows organisations to measure their performance against the National Data Guardian’s 10 data security standards. All organisations that have access to NHS patient data and systems must use this toolkit to provide assurance that they are practising good data security and that personal information is handled correctly. 

Cherwell Business Awards:  Winning Cherwell Micro Business Awards in 2022, and in 2023 we were one of the top 3 finalists for the   prestigious Cherwell Small Business Awards.

Yes, all archives are treated as confidential as standard, from 1 VHS tape to large heritage collections. If you have any specific requirements please let us know prior to collection or when they arrive. 

Our services can support all archives that fall under the following categories:

  • Audio-Video Tape Collections -10-bit AVI / Pro-ResHQ / MPEG4 / WAVE / AIFF /MP3
  • Book and Document Collections - TIFF /JPEG / PDF / PDF with OCR / WORD
  • Photographic Film Collections - TIFF / JPEG / DICOM

    From 1 wedding VHS tape to oversized documents and rare formats.  Our services support every audio and video tape variation, vinyl and shellac and optical discs. Our book and document scanning can digitise upto A0+   And with our full archival photographic film department, we can convert every format from late 1800c glass plate negatives, to current 35mm family formats, x-rays, large transparencies and complex nitrate and acetate film bases.   

    Our archive technicians remove staples and other objects  for a quick scanning process.

    We offer several options for turnaround time.  Our scan on demand will be typically 24hrs or sooner if urgent.  Smaller projects are typically turned around within 5-10 working days with larger archives dependent upon the requirement which can be discussed with yourselves.  An example of 200 broadcast audio tapes would require 16 weeks turnaround.  A large document archive around 8 weeks. 

    Yes, before any project is started, we will prepare a sample of your documents for your approval.

    Digitising Document and Books

    Digitising Documents

    Working with clients all over the UK, we digitise corporate, consumer and heritage document, book and map archives into suitable digital files for online use. 

    Our Bookeye A1 Book Scanner offers high resolution planetary scanning for fragile delicate books and rare maps, parchment or materials  up to DIN A1+.   

    Photographic Film Digitisation Services in Oxford UK

    Digitising Photo Film

    Our archive department is equipped with the leading photographic film and photograph machinery, ensuring consistent and high quality digitistion of all film type formats from 110mm to glass plate negatives.

    Adhering to The National Archives Specifications, our  services are both leading and award winning, ensuring complete confidence. 

    Broadcast Audio-Video Tape Digitisation in Oxford UK

    Digitising Audio-Video 

    Working with the leading AWS and Blackmagic conversion processors, our services incorporate every audio, video, vinyl and reel format in both open spool and closed tape formats. 

    Digital file formats can support clients with Pro-ResHQ, 10-bit AVI,  MPEG4, AIFF, WAV, MP3, with most other options available upon request.       

    Cherwell Business Awards Winner 2022

    Cherwell Business Awards

    September 2022 we won The Cherwell Micro Business Awards category.  Then in September 2023, we were thrilled to be one of the top 3 finalists for the Small Business Awards.

         Entries are extremely high so we were thrilled to be recognised as worthy of both these awards. 

    Our offices are open Monday to Thursday 8am-4pm Friday 8am - 3pm.
    29 Banbury Road, Kidlington OX5 1AQ. Parking is available at the front of the building or rear car park.

    Contact Us 01865 457000 or email