Archive and Heritage Collections  | Oxford UK 

motion & cine film | audio | video | optical |  photographic film | books | documents  | Scan on Demand | FAQs

Welcome to our heritage and archive page.  Oxford Duplication offer high-end expertise in  digitally converting archives and heritage projects, which incorporate audio, video and motion film, historic books and journals, photographic albums upto A1, publications, specialist books and historical archives for digital preservation to electronic archives.

Our services are expansive and support clients from family archives to large scale projects.  Regardless of the size of the archive and condition, our experienced team of engineers and archive technicians, combined with National Archive Standard machinery for all types of conversion, we can offer comprehensive support for all projects.   

Our team are highly experienced in scanning fragile and rare orders, working with Blenheim Palace, Jersey Heritage, Oxford University to name a few, digitising all manner of complex archives dating back to the 16th Century to present times.    

Please contact or call our office: 01865 457000

Heritage Archive Document Scanning in Oxford UK

Museums, Libraries and Archives | Digitisation of Archives to Prevent Physical Deterioration

NHS & Healthcare | Pharmaceutical | Local Government | Libraries & Museums | Educational Sectors  | Engineering & Nuclear | Heritage Trusts | Audio-Visual Production Houses | Automotive | Charities | Housing Associations | Private Archives | Consumer Clients

 With technnical equipment that can cater for documents upto A0, we can provide a service that is on time, on budget and always supportive of our clients needs. Supporting clients with all methods of digital capture, our services offer all formats from 10-bit AVI to Pro-Res 422 HQ to document and photographic formats TIFF, JPEG, PDF with OCR. With resolution upto 1200dpi to suit the archive project we can support all client orders from 1 box file to 1000's of archives.

Guided Mixed Media Price Per Archive Box  | Consultation Required

Our specialist  digitisation technicians have over a decade of experience in the digitisation of archive collections, supporting clients with complex project support as they turn your archives into digital output files.  We offer National Archive Standard outputs TIFF, JPEG (JPEG2000), PDF (PDFA) with complimentary surrogate files; OCR/PDFs, MS Word and eBooks.

With specialist overhead scanning equipment, photographic film scanners,  magnetic  tapes and motion film reels, our services can capture in great detail and depth, old and fragile material of any media. With Optical Character Recognition (OCR) processing, your archives will be fully searchable for bespoke indexing and keywords .

     With most mixed archive orders, we calculate how many boxes, storage bags or lever arch box files there are and multiply by the cost per box. Regardless of the media, which can include a mixed media of photographic film, photographs, documents, books, diaries, maps, pamplets, parchment, floppy disketts etc.

Cherwell Business Awards Winner 2022

Archive Equipment 

We have an impressive range of digitisation equipment to support all document projects and archives

Digitising Document and Books

Digitising Documents

Working with clients all over the UK, we digitise corporate, consumer and heritage document, book and map archives into suitable digital files for online use. 

Our Bookeye A1 Book Scanner offers high resolution planetary scanning for fragile delicate books and rare maps, parchment or materials  up to DIN A1+.   

Photographic Film Digitisation Services in Oxford UK

Digitising Photo Film

Our archive department is equipped with the leading photographic film and photograph machinery, ensuring consistent and high quality digitistion of all film type formats from 110mm to glass plate negatives.

Adhering to The National Archives Specifications, our  services are both leading and award winning, ensuring complete confidence. 

Broadcast Audio-Video Tape Digitisation in Oxford UK

Digitising Audio-Video 

Working with the leading AWS and Blackmagic conversion processors, our services incorporate every audio, video, vinyl and reel format in both open spool and closed tape formats. 

Digital file formats can support clients with Pro-ResHQ, 10-bit AVI,  MPEG4, AIFF, WAV, MP3, with most other options available upon request.       

Cherwell Business Awards Winner 2022

Cherwell Business Awards

September 2022 we won The Cherwell Micro Business Awards category.  Then in September 2023, we were thrilled to be one of the top 3 finalists for the Small Business Awards.

     Entries are extremely high so we were thrilled to be recognised as worthy of both these awards. 

Our offices are open Monday to Thursday 8am-4pm Friday 8am - 3pm.
29 Banbury Road, Kidlington OX5 1AQ. Parking is available at the front of the building or rear car park.

Contact Us 01865 457000 or email